Transforming the “Heart of Borneo” Green Economy


The Heart of Borneo Initiative is a multi country (Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei) and multi faceted programme seeking to bring transformational change to the Island of Borneo through applying “green economy” approaches. Supported by a landmark Trilateral Agreement (Heart of Borneo Declaration 2007) between the three countries which calls for trans-national cooperation on the management of the natural capital of this unique region, the countries and project partners are seeking sustainable solutions to a range of conservation and development priorities. TierraMar supported the three countries in their implementation of the HoB declaration through the development and publishing of the Heart of Borneo Green Economy Roadmap which focused on identifying strategies for linking the conservation of this globally significant tropical forest region with appropriate cross sectorial economic development strategies aimed at delivering both business and conservation outcomes. The Roadmap was launched by the Governments of Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei at the Rio+20 Earth Summit.

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