Strengthening Climate Change Information Management in the Pacific


TierraMar undertook independent, objective “whole of project” monitoring and evaluation of the 3 year Pacific iCLIM (Supporting the Regional Management of Climate Change Information in the Pacific) project. The project is enabling Pacific Island Countries and Territories to undertake better climate change resilience and adaptation planning by improving their ability to discover, store, access and utilise climate change adaptation information and data.

iCLIM is undertaken jointly by Griffith University and the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Program (SPREP) which assists its Pacific island member states with accessing and sharing climate change data and information via the Pacific Climate Change web portal (PCCP). The PCCP provides a secure and stable regional hub for managing and sharing climate change data and information, creating improved regional awareness and technical capacity for knowledge management.

Funded by the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade initiative – Government Partnerships for Development (GPFD), iCLIM aims to improve the PCCP and its linkages to Pacific island countries, strengthen capacity in information management and promote information sharing and access to climate change adaptation and vulnerability planning tools. Since its inception, the iCLIM project has made significant steps towards improving the level of awareness, capacity and technical solutions required for effective climate change data and information management in the Pacific.

TierraMar’s independent monitoring and evaluation role is instrumental in helping ensure the project achieves its targets while also providing recommendations and advice on improving project efficiency and effectiveness. This is achieved through extensive consultation with project stakeholders across the region, compilation and analysis of data measuring use and performance of the portal and assessment of the project’s impact on climate change information management systems and capacity in the project pilot countries of Vanuatu, Fiji and Tonga.

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